The Editor's Desk

New Renaissance

My canola colleague and friend Rick Taillieu, manager of grower relations and extension with Alberta Canola, sometimes sends me lyrics from The Tragically Hip songs that fit with whatever is going on that day. Here’s a line for the times from “Three Pistols”, a song from the Hip’s 1991 Road Apples album: “Bring on a...
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Alberta Bulletin

The Alberta Canola Producers Commission is seeking four canola growers to serve as directors on the board of directors for a three-year term. This year, nominations for directors are being accepted for regions 2, 5, 8 and 11. New director terms will begin following Alberta Canola’s Annual General Meeting in January of 2021. Alberta Canola...
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Saskatchewan Bulletin

Crop rotation and variety selection are the best profitability and risk management tools available for producers. Selecting varieties that demonstrate high yield potential for your ecological zone is important, but arguably more important is selecting a canola variety with the combination of traits best suited to each individual field on your farm. This likely means...
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Manitoba Bulletin

Earlier this year Manitoba Canola Growers appointed Nicolea Dow to the board of directors. Following the fall election, the board table was left with one vacant seat; consequently, they launched an open application process to fill the seat. Nine highly qualified farmers from across the province submitted applications sharing their interest in representing canola farmers...
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