
Optimum row spacing depends on many factors, including weeds

canola row spacing
Key result: Canola is relatively insensitive to increasing row spacing. Farmers have many factors to consider in determining their optimal row spacing, including weed and residue management strategies. Project title, Principal investigator: “Investigating wider row spacing in no-till canola: Implications for weed competition, response to nitrogen fertilizer, and seeding rate recommendations (2013-2016)” Chris Holzapfel, Indian...
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Citizens globally and governments expect agricultural producers to grow more food per acre of arable land and do so while preserving soil and water health, air quality, and biodiversity. This is what ‘sustainability’ has come to mean. The Canola Council of Canada (CCC) is guided by Keep It Coming 2025 (, the strategic plan for...
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Understand the limitations of combine grain-loss monitors

You can’t manage what you can’t measure. That adage from the business world also applies to harvest grain losses. While current grain loss monitors have been slowly improving over time, they still do not directly correlate actual grain loss to the grain loss signal. As a result, grain loss monitors do not provide operators with...
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