
Store it, but don’t forget it

After escaping all the yield loss traps in the field, there is one more obstacle to overcome before delivering canola to the elevator: storage. Grain mismanaged in a bin can result in disappointing losses. Paying attention to the moisture and temperature of the grain as well as outdoors is critical to management. Canola storage was...
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Canola Research Hub

Verticillium stripe management takes a step forward

We still have a lot to learn about verticillium stripe in canola. To address some of the knowledge gaps, a recent project investigated the disease development, evaluated canola genotypes for resistance and examined its interactions with blackleg.

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Online tool improves access to Saskatchewan soil data

KEY RESULT: Saskatchewan Soil Information System (SKSIS) provides an online and interactive soils resource, helping Saskatchewan farmers make better land-use decisions. Project title, Principal investigator: “Enhanced Saskatchewan Soil Data for Sustainable Land Management,” Angela Bedard-Haughn, University of Saskatchewan Funding: SaskCanola, Sask Pulse Growers and Saskatchewan’s Agriculture Development Fund (ADF) In order to make well-informed...
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5 Steps to Better...

Tillage decisions

Tillage image

Tillage is making a comeback with recent high-moisture years. With all the benefits of reduced tillage, is this a positive? Canola Council of Canada agronomy specialist Brittany Hennig goes through five steps to consider before returning to tillage or increasing the use of tillage.

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Keep it Clean

The customer has to be top of mind with each decision on the farm. Keep it Clean reminds canola farmers to continue to keep pesticide residues and blackleg management a priority in the growing season ahead.

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