Saskatchewan Bulletin

Farmers are invited to provide feedback to both Commissions through online survey. The Saskatchewan Canola Development Commission (SaskCanola) and Saskatchewan Flax Development Commission (SaskFlax) are considering amalgamation, which would see SaskCanola assume the mandate of SaskFlax for flax seed and straw, including research, advocacy, market development investments, and accompanying communications. As of January 2023, SaskCanola...
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Manitoba Bulletin

  Agriculture doesn’t stop, even for a global pandemic. And neither do the Manitoba Canola Growers in supporting farmers with industry issues. How to run a farm business through COVID-19 was among many issues MCGA has been active on this year, and we are excited to share a new page on the site that...
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Manitoba Bulletin

“The visit with you was a highlight; the passion from the farmers as they talked to us about their work and environmental risks to arable farm land, the tractor ride and the amazing sunset.” —Louise Adongo A recent survey of Canadian urban dwellers found that the more recently someone has visited a working farm, the...
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Input ROI

Economic Profitability and Sustainability of Canola Production Systems in Western Canada

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