
Store it, but don’t forget it

After escaping all the yield loss traps in the field, there is one more obstacle to overcome before delivering canola to the elevator: storage. Grain mismanaged in a bin can result in disappointing losses. Paying attention to the moisture and temperature of the grain as well as outdoors is critical to management. Canola storage was...
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Reduce losses while combining

Key practice: Ground speed and mechanical adjustments to the combine can reduce harvest losses and increase yields. For growers who want to try straight combining, start with one field with uniform maturity and high yield potential. Key research: Gulden, R.H., University of Manitoba, et al. “Evaluation of Harvest Losses and Their Causes in Canola Across...
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Apply enough nitrogen

Key practice: Use soil tests, ideally taken at consistent locations (GPS helps), and base rate decisions on soil test recommendations. Key research: S.A. Brandt, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), et al.“Seeding rate, fertilizer level and disease management effects on hybrid versus open pollinated canola (Brassica napus L.)” Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 2007. R.E. Blackshaw,...
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How an On-Farm Trial can be like a Vacation

Do the research studies described in this magazine make you want to test a new product or practice on the farm? Similar to the way planning for a vacation can provide emotional benefits even before you leave for it, the benefits of conducting an on-farm trial aren’t limited to the final values after harvest is complete.

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