Canola Eat Well

Wear your heart on a sleeve

Will Bergmann and Mairlyn Smith

The Canola Eat Well program, supported by canola farmer organizations in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, encourages farmers to wear their heart on a shirt to build conversations, connections and community.

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Manitoba Bulletin

Bringing the idea of canola as a protein for human consumption to the forefront is something Manitoba Canola Growers have been supporting. Through innovative technology, protein has been extracted from canola meal (currently a livestock feed) in a way suitable for the human food market. The process is simple and only uses water and a...
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Alberta Bulletin

Creating a more streamlined process, especially when it comes to regulatory procedure, is a priority for the Alberta Canola Producers Commission. As the Government of Alberta continues to reduce regulatory red tape, there’s an opportunity for Alberta Canola to help with this. Marketing Council, the oversight body for the 20 agricultural boards and commissions in...
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Become involved with an organization that is on the cutting edge of the canola industry. Manitoba Canola Growers is seeking members to stand for election to the Board of Directors. Four positions are up for election, each holding a four-year term. Successful applicants will have the unique opportunity to represent the canola farmers in Manitoba....
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Cows fed canola meal make more milk, less gas

New research from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada found that dairy cows’ methane emissions, as a percentage of gross energy intake, declined as the amount of canola meal in the diet increased. This energy was captured in greater milk production, rather than lost to the atmosphere.

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