Manitoba Bulletin

Earlier this year Manitoba Canola Growers appointed Nicolea Dow to the board of directors. Following the fall election, the board table was left with one vacant seat; consequently, they launched an open application process to fill the seat. Nine highly qualified farmers from across the province submitted applications sharing their interest in representing canola farmers...
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Agronomy Insights

Agronomy Insights

Agronomy Insights - Tips and tools from the Canola Council of Canada agronomy team
Clubroot-resistant (CR) varieties should be grown before the disease becomes established in your area. Is your area at risk? Yes. That’s the safe assumption as clubroot continues to show up in new areas throughout the Prairies. We want growers to use CR varieties before clubroot arrives on a field because the pathogen, once detected, will...
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Manitoba Bulletin

Each year, the Manitoba Canola Growers Association (MCGA) recognizes the accomplishments of an individual or organization for their contributions to the sustained growth and prosperity of Manitoba’s canola industry, with the Canola Award of Excellence. Former MCGA director and farmer Brian Chorney has been presented the 2021 Canola Award of Excellence. Brian has been actively...
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The spring of 2021 offered less than ideal conditions for canola establishment. Manitoba Canola Growers conducted a survey to better understand exactly what Manitoba farmers faced this spring.

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Business Management

Using foresight as a tool for farm success

The global pandemic has revealed that agriculture is an essential industry, and farmers are resilient. While we celebrate these successes, it’s also important to reflect on what we could have done differently to manage risk and maximize opportunity. Moving forward, farms that use foresight and put business practices in place to reduce uncertainty will be better positioned for continued success.

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