
Control weeds early

Key practice: Control weeds early through a combination of pre-seed weed control and one in-crop application before the four-leaf stage. Key research: Harker, K. Neil, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), et al. “Field-Scale Time of Weed Removal in Canola.” Weed Technology (2008). Harker, K. Neil, AAFC, et al. “Seeding Rate, Herbicide Timing and Competitive Hybrids...
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Thicker stands improve weed management

Key practice: Higher seeding rates mean a more competitive crop, which can translate into higher yields and lower in-crop weed management costs. Key research: Harker, K.N., Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), et al. “High-Yield No-Till Canola Production on the Canadian Prairies.” Canadian Journal of Plant Science. (2012). Harker, K.N., AAFC, et al. “Seeding Rate, Herbicide...
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Plant Establishment

Faster ground cover can improve yields

Canola crops that achieve vegetative ground cover more quickly tend to have higher yields. Seeding rate and row width contribute to faster ground cover. “How does in-row seed spacing and spatial pattern affect canola yield?” Steven Shirtliffe, University of Saskatchewan SaskCanola Read the full report in the Research section at When it comes to...
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Precise seed-to-seed spacing not necessary for canola

Key Practice: The key step in seed placement is to achieve the overall target population with some aspect of uniform distribution and depth. Precision tools to enhance seed spacing in the row provide little evident economic benefit. Project Title, Lead Researcher: “Seeding rates for precision seeded canola,” 2012-14, Gazali Issah, Western Applied Research Corporation Grower...
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Canola Eat Well

School fundraiser promotes vegetables, canola oil

The Canola Eat Well program, supported by canola farmer organizations in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, partners in a successful school fundraiser that sells vegetables and provides a recipe booklet showing how to prepare the vegetables using canola oil.

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