
Canola Digest is the official print publication of Canada’s canola growers. Its four issues per year cover a range of topics from agronomics to marketing to the latest developments in the canola industry. Your one year Canola Digest subscription is completely free! Watch for an email from us after you’ve clicked Subscribe, then be sure...
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Blackleg metabolites do not add risk to canola products for export

Key Practice: L. maculans, the fungal pathogen that causes blackleg in canola, can produce a mycotoxin called sirodesmin PL, but this study found none of it in Alberta canola samples. Project Title, Lead Researcher: “Evaluation of the toxicity of the secondary metabolites produced by Leptosphaeria maculans,” 2012-14, Xiujie (Susie) Li, Alberta Innovates — Technology Futures...
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Lots of diversity in clubroot resistance

Key result: Clubroot resistance in Canadian canola varieties relies almost entirely on one source, “Mendel”. This study identified many other genes, found genetic markers for them and then crossed some of them into B. napus lines that could be used for breeding. Canola seed breeders can use the results of this work to broaden and...
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Resistant varieties plus crop rotation keys to clubroot management

Key result: This study looked at various clubroot management techniques and found that using clubroot-resistant varieties plus crop rotations with at least two years between host crops were effective in reducing disease severity and yield loss. Project title, Principal investigator: “Management of clubroot in a dynamic environment” Sheau-Fang Hwang, Alberta Agriculture and Food Funding: Growing...
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Study proves concept of grouping varieties by blackleg resistance class

Science Edition - Completed Projects
Key Result: This study found that matching genetic resistance to dominant pathotype groups in a field is possible, but more work is needed to make this practical for long-term cultivar rotations and overall blackleg management. Project title, Principal investigators: “Development of canola cultivar blackleg resistance groups: Feasibility evaluation,” Ralph Lange, Alberta Innovates – Technology Futures...
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