
Pest network tracks crop-damaging insects

Science Edition: Integrated Pest Management
KEY RESULT: The Prairie Pest Monitoring Network (PPMN) provides forecasts, risk maps and monitoring protocols for crop pest insects across Western Canada. It also provides a free weekly update. Anyone can subscribe at PROJECT TITLE, PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: “Coordinated surveillance, forecasting and risk warning systems for field crop insect pests of the Prairie ecosystem,” Jennifer...
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Your Keep it Clean! crop calendar

From deciding what to grow, to crop protection, to harvest and storage, the choices you make along the way can make a big difference. Help maintain Canada’s reputation as a supplier of high quality canola by following the Keep it Clean! best practices throughout the year.

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Canola Digest is the official print publication of Canada’s canola growers. Its four issues per year cover a range of topics from agronomics to marketing to the latest developments in the canola industry. Your one year Canola Digest subscription is completely free! Watch for an email from us after you’ve clicked Subscribe, then be sure...
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