
Follow the Bushel

Shipping vessel at port

After you deliver canola from a bin on the farm, what are the quality checks, processing steps, transportation modes and packaging requirements as each bushel winds its way to the end user? This article follows the thread from gate to plate, describing each step along the way.

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Farmer Panel

Marketing strategy changes for 2022

Canola Digest asks its six farmer panelists how higher crop prices over the past year and how uncertain weather and productivity in 2021 might change their marketing strategies for 2022?

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Agronomy Insights

Seed traits: What are the standards?

This list covers the options available for canola seed traits and describes official standards (if any) for each trait. Western Canada Rapeseed and Canola Recommending Committee (WCC/RRC) is the industry body that recommends to the CFIA which canola cultivars get registered. The CFIA collects a lot of information from the WCC/RRC as well as company...
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