Farmer Panel

Research assistance

Finding co-operators to help with trials is a necessary part of the Ultimate Canola Challenge and Canola Production Trials programs. These four farmers helped with the two programs in 2017, and explain why they did it, the work involved and what they learned from the experience.

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Business Management

Use your capital gain exemption

Three dice spelling the word "tax"

Greg Sears and his father are using the capital gain exemption now to transfer land. It creates a tax savings in the six-figure range and provides Sears’ parents with much better utilization of their assets while they’re alive.

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Port Authority

Expansion in port terminal handling capacity in Vancouver will improve Canada’s ability to service a growing Asian market and help the canola industry reach the seed, oil and meal export targets in its strategic plan.

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Market Diversification

The Canola Council of Canada co-hosted Canola Week December 6-9 in Saskatoon. The Canola Industry Meeting on day one featured a few presentations on canola market development, including the big goal for Protein Industries Canada, canola meal potential as fish food and massive growth in renewable fuels.

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Saskatchewan Bulletin

SaskCanola has supported research to demonstrate the positive impact of modern agriculture on soil health and the environment. One such study is the Prairie Soil Carbon Balance Project (PSCBP), which analyzed thousands of soil samples over a 15-year period on farms across the province. The federal government has indicated their intention to increase the carbon...
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