
Multiple genes and crop rotation enhance the durability of clubroot resistance

Science Edition: Genetics
Cultivar resistance is the key to managing clubroot, which continues to spread on the Canadian prairies. Recently in Alberta, 17 “new” pathogen pathotypes were identified and all appeared virulent to previous resistant cultivars in the marketplace. This erosion of single-gene resistance is also being reported across western Canada, including a new variant of pathotype 3A...
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Not All Pod Shatter Resistance is the Same

Even with a trait that limits the amount of pod shatter, canola hybrids left standing will experience some level of pod loss. This article provides scouting and agronomy tips to identify the point at which canola hybrids should be straight combined, so growers make the right decision – and limit harvest losses – for each specific hybrid.

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Integrated Pest Management

Advancing blackleg and verticillium stripe management

Researchers laid the ground work for a rating system based on quantitative resistance to blackleg, specified the critical infection window for blackleg, and investigated connections between flea beetles and blackleg and verticillium stripe and blackleg.

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Farmer Panel

One change for the better

As you head into the 2019 growing season, what one thing would you like to change in the business this year? Machinery? Logistics? Farm size? Crop rotation? Staff management? Canola Digest asked these four farmers for their thoughts.

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