Farmer Panel

How do you test a new product?

On-farm trials are essential for farmers who want their own data on the effectiveness of new products and ideas. Setting up trials and taking them to harvest does requires a little extra work and planning, but the result is more informed decision-making and a better idea of what provides a return on investment – and what doesn’t.

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Farmer Panel

Tech for 2018

What tech will you buy in 2018? These five farmers share their plans for 2018, including their motivation for investing in that system or product. As a bonus, we also ask them: Do farms need to hire techies just like they hire agronomists?

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Business Management

What BRM tools are right for you?

After the summer drought and drop in crop productivity in 2021, canola farmers may be reviewing their business risk management (BRM) program. This article describes how FMC’s AgriShield can help farmers work through a comprehensive approach to manage farm risk.

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Vegetable oil and oilseeds outlook

World vegetable oil demand continued to rise sharply in 2016, but production declined for the first time in more than 30 years, creating a production deficit and steep reduction of stocks. While the tight supply situation continues to support prices of all vegetable oils, don’t expect prices to rise much further as world supplies are recovering.

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