
Meet Two Canola Ambassadors

Left: The People’s Dietitian Patricia Chuey attended Canola Camp in Saskatoon five years ago and says the event “sets the bar with its great people, variety of learning opportunities and open dialogue.” Right: Cookbook author Raghavan Iyer became a big canola booster after seeing how much the yellow fields reminded him of mustard fields in his native India.

Cookbook author Raghavan Iyer and healthy-eating advocate Patricia Chuey presented at a Canola Eat Well event in Winnipeg in June. These two food influencers and canola oil ambassadors show why grower investment in Canola Camp and Canola Eat Well is so important to the Canadian canola industry.

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Agronomy Insights

Our Agronomy Focus Areas For 2021

Each year, we look for new focus areas that ultimately support grower profitability and productivity while also promoting agronomically sound crop rotations, biodiversity and improvements to soil and water use. By balancing all of these objectives, Canadian canola can maintain its strong, established brand and use these achievements to keep and expand its market share....
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Farmer Panel

Bending tech

Jesse Hirsh used the phrase “bend tech to suit your needs” in his presentation at CropSphere in 2016. These three farmers share experiences bending new and old technology to improve its utility on their farms.

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Saskatchewan Bulletin

Since the mid-1990s, the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network (PPMN) has developed protocols and conducted insect population monitoring for field crop pests in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and the Peace River region of British Columbia. SaskCanola currently co-funds the PPMN with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) and other commodity organizations in the Prairie provinces as part of...
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Canola Research Hub

Top science for the bottom line

The Canola Research Hub at canolaresearch.ca is a user-interactive database with practical tools designed to return growers’ investment in agronomic research back to the farm. The Hub library currently incorporates over 100 agronomic studies and the annual Science Editions of Canola Digest.

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