
The science behind blackleg resistance rotation

Science Edition: Integrated Pest Management
KEY RESULT: SaskCanola administered Growing Forward 2-funded blackleg research projects that concluded over the past year or so. Results from these studies make it possible for farmers to test for the predominant blackleg races in a field and use this information to make strategic decisions for the deployment of varieties. This will reduce blackleg severity...
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Saskatchewan Bulletin

“The goal of SaskCanola’s scholarship program is to invest in the future talent  of the canola industry. ” Lisa Horn, SaskCanola Executive Director Each year, two scholarships are awarded to students enrolled in graduate programs with projects studying canola. This investment complements the research SaskCanola invests in for the benefit of canola production and farm...
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The Editor's Desk

Square pegs

I am in my chair looking at the table in our living room when what did I notice? Square pegs in round holes! We all know that a ‘square peg in a round hole’ is a person who doesn’t fit into a role or social expectation. A misfit. Yet, here is a table with square...
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Saskatchewan Bulletin

In early January, the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture and SaskCanola released an updated version of the Saskatchewan Clubroot Distribution Map, which includes the results from the 2019 provincial clubroot survey and any rural municipalities with confirmed cases of clubroot reported outside the survey. In Saskatchewan, clubroot is a declared pest and it has been regulated...
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