Manitoba Bulletin

Adequate plant nutrition is required for optimal crop production. It’s thanks to research scientists like Dr. Cynthia (Cindy) Grant – former senior research scientist in Soil Fertility Management with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada of the Brandon Research and Development Centre – that soil fertility and crop nutrition best practices have evolved, making crop production more...
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Growers at the table

Canola growers, through their provincial canola organizations, are helping to drive the research priorities for canola in Canada. Provincial research committee chairs explain the benefit of grower-funded and grower-directed research.

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I dream of being able to grow it in 15 years

By Ward Toma “I dream of being able to grow it in 15 years.” A wishful statement, not expressed by a wide-eyed farmer seeing a new crop with incredible potential, but instead by a farmer that has serious doubts about his ability to continue to grow this incredible crop. Hubertus Paetow, president of the German...
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