
Growing Forward 2 projects

The federal government’s $15 million investment in canola research through Growing Forward 2 combined with the canola industry’s $5 million contribution (which includes input from the canola grower organizations) is funding 23 research projects for five years. Here are short descriptions and progress reports for 15 agronomy projects on that list.

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Farmer Panel

What do you do with data?

Data, data everywhere but not a way to use it. That may be how farms feel when they consider combine yield maps, thumb drives, computer spreadsheets, notebooks (paper and phone) and wonder how to make better use of it all. Canola Digest asked its six panelists, how do you put your data to work? Melissa...
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Farmer Panel

Good ideas

Where do you get your ideas? How do you know an idea is good? How long does it take for you to put a good idea into practice? Our six farmers panelists answer these questions and share examples of recent new ideas they implemented.

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