Alberta Bulletin

This past year, Alberta Canola committed close to $900,000 towards 10 research projects. For each grower dollar contributed by Alberta Canola, we were able to attract an additional $7 in investment from our collaborative research partners and programs, for a total of over $7 million in research funding. Projects investigating diseases of canola took precedence...
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Canola Market Snapshot

The European Union entered a new status level for Canadian canola purchases in 2019-20, and it means we can start talking about the “Big 5” instead of the “Big 4”. The EU bought 2.1 million tonnes of Canadian canola seed in 2019-20 worth over $1 billion, moving it ahead of Mexico and just behind Japan....
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Cut later to increase yield with no extra cost

Pillar 4: Harvest Management

Harvest management steps, including cutting later to realize a canola crop’s full yield potential and taking steps to reduce in-field and storage losses, mean more canola per acre goes to market. It has a big impact on real production per acre.

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Foliar-applied P can help with in-season deficiency

Science Edition: Fertility Management
KEY RESULT: While this Saskatchewan study did show a yield response for foliar-applied phosphorus (P) when compared to a control without any P fertilizer, the best practice is still to meet crop needs with fertilizer applications before or at the time of seeding. PROJECT TITLE, PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: “Crop response to foliar-applied phosphorus fertilizers,” Jeff Schoenau,...
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Alberta Bulletin

Join us for the 20th anniversary edition of Farm Tech, Canada’s premier crop production and farm management conference in Edmonton, Alberta from January 29-31, 2019. The agenda features comedian and author Rick Mercer as the banquet speaker. Get all the details on sessions, speakers and registration at Join Alberta Canola for their annual general meeting...
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