
Payments increase for Canola 4R Advantage

Canola 4R Advantage, funded through Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF), offers financial support to growers as they initiate or advance 4R Nutrient Stewardship on their farms.

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Researchers expand the spectrum of clubroot resistance

Science Edition: Genetics
Canola lines with a broad spectrum of clubroot resistance were developed, which are valuable for developing resistant cultivars by canola breeders. Additional developments can improve the ability to monitor changes in the clubroot pathogen race structure, as the pathogen evolves in canola fields on the Prairies. “Defining populations of P. brassicae with near isogenic B....
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Renewable Diesel Taking Over From Biodiesel

Renewable diesel processing facilities are in a building boom in the U.S. and Canada. The primary feedstock for renewable diesel is plant-based oils and a secondary feedstock will be as much used cooking oil as the processors can get.

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Alberta Bulletin

The Alberta Canola Producers Commission is seeking four canola growers to serve as directors on the board of directors for a three-year term. This year, nominations for directors are being accepted for regions 2, 5, 8 and 11. New director terms will begin following Alberta Canola’s Annual General Meeting in January of 2021. Alberta Canola...
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