Canola Research Hub

Surveillance and strategies to manage HR weeds

Recent research projects give us an update on the state of herbicide-resistant weeds on the Prairies, and provide tips for effective prevention and management. Outside agronomic expertise may help with a practical integrated weed management plan.

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Genetics will reduce harvest losses

A recent study by Andrea Cavalieri with the University of Manitoba found that pod shatter is primarily impacted by genotype, while environment is the dominant driver for pod drop.
Key practice: Canola varieties with pod shatter tolerance have arrived. Pod shatter tolerance adds more flexibility for harvest timing, allowing crops to stand longer with fewer losses. Key research: Cavalieri, A., University of Manitoba, et al. “Pod Drop and Pod Shatter Are Not Closely Related in Canola.” Crop Science (2014). Gan, Y., Agriculture and Agri-Food...
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Saskatchewan Bulletin

The 2023 growing season marked the first year of SaskCanola’s new on-farm, field scale research trials program. While there is merit to small plot trials, it is recognized that growers and agronomists have farm-specific questions that need to be answered and may work best when implemented over a large area. This program was designed to...
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Reseed when fewer than two plants per square foot

While hybrid canola has a high degree of phenotypic plasticity that allows it to compensate for low plant populations, growers need to know when the population is likely too low to compensate for the reduced plant stand. Reseeding is more likely to provide an economic benefit when: the population is below 20 plants per square...
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