
The ‘cool’ crop

Crops can reflect the sun’s shortwave radiation back into space, helping to cool the Earth. With its yellow flowers, canola’s reflectance is more than most other crops, providing a cooling effect of about 0.5°C during the growing season as compared to a crop like wheat.

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Canola yields lower with fall surface-placement of nitrogen

Science Edition: Fertility Management
KEY RESULT: This Manitoba study found that nitrogen source did not affect canola yield, but fertilizer placement did. Fall surface application of granular urea and enhanced efficiency fertilizer products produced lower yield (13 bu./ac.) than spring surface applications of the same products. For spring applications, surface placement had lower yields (3 to 5 bu./ac.) than...
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Swede midge, clubroot challenge Ontario canola

Ontario Canola Growers Association and Agronomy Advantage organized a day of hands-on learning near Kenilworth. Farmers learned about nitrogen rates and application, seeding rates and various challenges facing the industry.

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Canola and bees: A sweet relationship

Canola is good for bees, and bees are good for canola. Together, they are good for the health of our ecosystem and our economy. The Canola Council of Canada (CCC) and the Canadian Honey Council are working together to maintain this mutually beneficial relationship. The CCC is also a partner in Bees Matter (, an...
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Storage bags work best with dry canola

Key result: This research looked at the feasibility of bag storage for canola and the effects on seed quality based on moisture content and length of storage time. Dry canola seeds can be safely stored for six to eight months in bags, but canola at 12 per cent moisture should be stored only temporarily. Project...
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