Saskatchewan Bulletin

Verticillium stripe (VS) of canola is caused by the fungal species Verticillium longisporum. It was first detected in 2014 and then found across the Prairies in disease surveys in 2015. Although new to Canada, it is a serious problem for canola growers in Europe – and there is potential for it to have a similar...
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Business Management

Set standards, improve results

Set standards, improve results

When you clearly describe standard operating procedures (SOPs) for each major practice and piece of machinery on the farm, it helps bring consistency to performance — no matter who is doing the work.

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Ready to fuel a Biofuel Boom

The stars are aligning for canola biofuel. Industry groups say a strong market signal is all it will take to shift Canadian production into high gear.

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Four ideas from Canola Discovery Forum

The Canola Digest editor looks at four ideas that captured his attention at Canola Discovery Forum: Get smarter about sclerotinia. Map acres that never make money. Select the right root for the job. GRADE the validity of evidence.

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