
Equipment sanitation slows the spread of clubroot

Key Result: Improved equipment sanitation is a rapid and cost-effective strategy to manage the spread of clubroot in canola. Agricultural, oil and gas, and construction industries can apply these techniques. Project title, Principal investigators: “Evaluating physical and chemical methods for cleaning and disinfecting tools, machinery, equipment and other hard surfaces contaminated with clubroot,” Ron Howard,...
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Tool helps breeders select for complex multi-gene traits

Science Edition: Genetics
KEY RESULT: AAFC research scientists have put together a nested association mapping (NAM) population for spring Brassica napus canola, a tool which has helped them identify the multitude of genes associated with complex traits – such as seed glucosinolate content. Breeders can use the tool to select for complex traits and identify cultivars that perform...
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Carbon tax: What can you expect in the year ahead

The new federal carbon tax starts in 2018 for provinces that don’t have their own approved programs. That means every province, in one way or another, will have a carbon pricing program within the year. The good news is that farm fuel is exempt.

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Plant Establishment

Pathways to improve heat and drought tolerance

Heat had a significant effect on yield by preventing seed set and had a more negative effect than drought on seed oil composition. Researchers found possible genetic solutions to enhance drought and heat stress. “Impact of drought and heat during flowering on canola yield.” Raju Soolanayakanahally, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Saskatoon SaskCanola, Saskatchewan’s Agriculture Development...
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Nutrient Management

New nutrient uptake and removal guidelines

The nutrient uptake and removal guidelines for crops in Western Canada are updated. Researchers discovered considerable variability in uptake and removal due, in part, to known differences in weather and management. Thus these estimates are to be used as guidelines only, not prescriptions. “Revising the crop nutrient uptake and removal guidelines for Western Canada,” Fran...
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