
A probe of possibilities

Crop Intelligence Moisture Probe in field

Soil moisture makes yield, but how much do you know about your soil moisture levels? Metre-deep moisture probes combined with cellular communication are giving growers continuous updates on yield potential based on soil water, which can help with decisions on fertilizer top-dress, fungicide applications and marketing.

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Talking Stats

Statistics provide a report card on agriculture acres by crop, production, profitability and trade. StatCan in partnership with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada are developing innovative ways to collect data without contacting farmers. This moves past a survey-first approach to reduce the burden on farm operators.

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Alberta Bulletin

Evaluating energy efficiency of on-farm grain conditioning systems Team Alberta (a working collaboration between Alberta Barley, Alberta Canola, Alberta Pulse Growers and the Alberta Wheat Commission), is working with 3D Energy Limited and the Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute to assess the energy consumption of grain drying in Alberta, funded in part by the Canadian Agricultural...
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