Canola Research Hub

Impacts of fertilizer on yield

The Canola Research Hub at has a user-interactive research database. This article is based on the query “What are some of the impacts of fertilizer on seed yield?” with data drawn from a number of canola agronomic studies.

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Business Management

The five experiences of women farmers

Farm Management Canada explored the experiences of Canadian farm women in a new study. The report characterized the satisfaction, participation, recognition and support farm women experience, and identified five patterns – content, inspired, constrained, uncertain and obstructed.

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Canola Market Snapshot

Global demand for vegetable oils, including Canadian canola, remains strong. Meanwhile, supply outlook for vegetable oil and oilseed crops is good, despite production challenges in Canada in 2021.

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5 Steps to Better...

Canola stand establishment

In this series, Canola Council of Canada agronomy specialists take a particular agronomy challenge and provide solutions, with consideration for risks and costs. In this case, Autumn Barnes looks at stand establishment as a way to balance risk and profit.

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