Integrated Pest Management

Monitoring blackleg races to inform R gene development

The avirulence profile of L. maculans population on the Prairies remained relatively stable from 2017 to 2021; only AvrLep1 increased noticeably. Even so, the current pathogen population is still highly diverse. Researchers should continue monitoring the pathogen population for early detection of resistance erosion to specific R genes, especially when new R genes are being...
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Bertha armyworm monitoring system still works

Key result: The current system for monitoring potential bertha armyworm outbreaks is based on a pheromone trap network developed in the 1970s (Steck et al. 1979) and improved in the 1980s (Struble et al. 1984). This study tested the efficiency of this system in the context of current canola production and determined the monitoring and...
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