Saskatchewan Bulletin

Saskatchewan farmers grow field crops – including canola – in one of the harshest climates for farming in the world. Our growing season is short, our winters are (very) cold, our summers are hot, and there is often too much or too little rain. After decades of farming in these conditions, Saskatchewan growers have become...
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What we know about straight combining canola

What we know about straight combining canola

Western Canadian researchers and canola growers are building a body of evidence and experience that will help those who want to try straight combining canola. This article describes practices that can reduce the risk.

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Business Management

Brutal truths about farm communication

Inner conflict makes clear communication difficult, and when speaking about high stakes and complex matters, just about impossible. Effective communication in business starts with a clear understanding of where you want the business to go.

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Non-farmed spaces have real value

Canola Discovery Forum 2018 in Banff included two presentations on the profit-driving diversity that shelterbelts, wetlands, fencelines and pivot corners provide to the farm.

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