Integrated Pest Management

Sclerotinia spore sensor gets a patent

InnoTech researchers have patented an automatic field unit that can count Sclerotinia sclerotiorum spores over a set period of time. They deployed six units in 2022 and are troubleshooting mechanical issues, mostly to do with the system’s internal clock and power supply. “Development of a biosensor for sclerotinia stem rot disease forecasting in canola,” Xiujie...
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Manage weeds with the combine

Seed crushers added to the back end of combines and modification to chaff-spread patterns are two options for integrated weed management at harvest. These practices can help manage herbicide-resistant weeds and protect working herbicides from losing their effectiveness.

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Saskatchewan Bulletin

The Saskatchewan Canola Development Commission’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held prior to the start of CropSphere at Prairieland Park in Saskatoon on Monday, January 9, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. Canola producers may attend the AGM without registering for CropSphere. Following the AGM, we invite you to attend a SaskCanola-sponsored complimentary lunch and learn....
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Management options for heavy residue

Management options for heavy residue

Retaining crop residue benefits soil health, erosion management and crop health, but it must be managed to enable best seeding practices and crop establishment the following season.

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