
NUE improving more slowly than yield

Science Edition: Genetics
Total plant nitrogen uptake (i.e. in the leaves, stems, straw and seed) of the old rapeseed and canola varieties was actually just as good as modern hybrids, they just don’t have as much seed to pack the nitrogen into as the high-yielding hybrids. Modern canola hybrids do have superior ability to utilize ammonium fertilizer. “Making...
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High rates of parasitism on diamondback moth larvae

Key result: This study continued work initiated by earlier research which showed that parasitism of diamondback moth larvae and pupae can be relatively high early in the season. Canola producers are encouraged to carefully monitor populations, waiting a few days after nominal thresholds are reached to provide beneficial insects an opportunity to control larvae and...
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Shift in flea beetle species composition

Key practice: Crucifer and striped flea beetles react differently to their environment and to seed treatments. It is important to monitor emerging canola seedlings to know what you’re up against. Project title, Lead researcher: “Potential flea beetles species composition shift in Prairie canola,” 2007-12, Juliana Soroka, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) Saskatoon Grower organization funder:...
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Success of VR nitrogen requires field-by-field analysis

Key result: Differences in management, including agronomic practices, variety selection and types of fertilizer, as well as soil properties, elevation and terrain attributes all impact fertility and should be considered, along with historical yields, when planning out a variable-rate (VR) fertility program. Project title, Principal investigator: “Variable nitrogen fertility management of canola at the field...
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Understanding the importance of pollinators to canola

Key Result: Canola benefits from having abundant pollinators. Ongoing research is determining in what contexts yield and seed quality benefit the most from pollinator activity. Project title, Principal investigators: “Reliable and effective use of managed bees for canola pollination,” Shelley Hoover, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry Funding: Alberta Canola, SaskCanola, Manitoba Canola Growers Several surveys and...
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