Business Management

Which risk management programs are right for your farm?

What are the potential risks to your projected income, and what farm insurance programs can mitigate them? MNP’s interactive Ag Risk Management Projector (ARMP) can help farmers answer those questions by providing them insight into the costs and benefits of numerous insurance risk management programs, and how to tailor them for their specific operations. “Forecasting...
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4R highlights from Canola Discovery Forum

Canola Discovery Forum 2020, which was held online in December, had a 4R fertilizer management theme. A panel discussion described why Right Product at the Right Rate, Right Time and Right Place is important and provided tips that will help with adoption and understanding of 4R principles.

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Canola works well in canola-wheat-corn-soybean rotation

Key result: This Eastern Canada study tested canola in typical Eastern Canada crop rotation systems and found that canola performed well after soybeans and wheat produced its best yields following canola. Project title, Principal investigator: “Canola Rotation Studies,” Claude Caldwell, Dalhousie University Funding: Growing Forward 2 Crop rotation is recognized as one of the best...
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Sclerotinia fungicide improves yield, but check ROI

Key result: Carefully consider the risk scenario and potential return on investment before spraying fungicide for sclerotinia stem rot or selecting current varieties with the sclerotinia-tolerant trait. Project title, Principal investigator: “Effects of genetic sclerotinia tolerance and foliar fungicide applications on the incidence and severity of sclerotinia stem rot infection in argentine canola,” Chris Holzapfel,...
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Canola flower midge found across the Prairies

Science Edition: Integrated Pest Management
KEY RESULT: The newly discovered canola flower midge, C. brassicola, may be a species native to the Prairies. It is found across the canola-growing region, but population density, for the most part, is low and the midge has not had a significant impact on yield. This midge causes flower galls that result in aborted pods....
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