
A storage plan for winter-to-summer weather changes

Science Edition - Completed Projects
Key result: Leave it, aerate it or turn it? If canola in the bin is dry and cold coming out of winter, then just leave it be. But monitor the temperature, watching for any rapid increases. Have a plan to move the seed if an issue arises. Project title, Principal investigator: “Determining best practices for...
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The Editor's Desk

Poppin’ Aussies

Australia achieved an enviable increase in canola production over the past three years. After paltry crops of 2.3 million tonnes in 2018 and 2019, Australian canola output jumped to 4.8 million in 2020 and 6.8 million in 2021, according to USDA Foreign Agriculture Service data posted at PSD Online. The PSD Online forecast for 2022...
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Manitoba Bulletin

Stay Connected. Sign up for our Canola Crush Newsletter today! Visit How Manitoba Canola Growers are Representing You Stimulating, increasing and improving the production and marketing of canola is a part of MCGA’s mandate. Through local initiatives and national partnerships, MCGA has consistently been working on five areas of focus. The recent trade disruption...
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RNAi spray for sclerotinia needs better formulation

Science Edition: Genetics
Species-specific RNA sprays, when applied as a topical formulation, can suppress sclerotinia infection in canola. Field tests in 2022, hampered by heavy rain and dsRNA applications without a surfactant, did not show strong results for the treatments. “Protection of canola from pathogenic fungi using Ribonucleic acid (RNA) interference technologies,” Steve Whyard, University of Manitoba AgriScience...
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The Editor's Desk

Community of Practice

David Rourke wants to farm better. He always has. When he started farming 40 years ago at Minto, Manitoba, he also started a research business, AgQuest, to test farm practices. The family business now includes 6,000 acres, and his daughter Dana runs the research company. In his mid 60s, Rourke has a new objective: Farming...
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