
Toward matching clubroot resistance to pathoypes in the field

Science Edition: Integrated Pest Management
KEY RESULT: Researchers developed the Canadian Clubroot Differential (CCD) Set, which represents an improved system for the identification of new virulence profiles of Plasmodiophora brassicae and their classification into pathotypes. The CCD Set is an important new tool that can be applied directly on the ground by the sector, including agronomists, breeders and researchers. PROJECT...
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A new gene for blackleg resistance

Science Edition: Genetics
AAFC researchers completed the genetic mapping of blackleg resistance gene Rlm11. Rlm11 is effective against L. maculans isolates carrying the avirulence gene AvrLm11, which is found in 95 per cent of L. maculans isolates collected from Western Canadian canola farms. Canola lines with Rlm11 will enable canola farmers to effectively control the blackleg disease. “Introgression...
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Alberta Bulletin

Alberta Canola is hosting four Grower Engagement Meetings across Alberta during November and December 2023. These meetings offer canola growers the opportunity to engage with Alberta Canola directors and staff to gain a deeper understanding of Alberta Canola’s activities, programs, and partnerships. You will hear about research investments, policy positions, advocacy initiatives, and our efforts...
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Seed early and fertilize well for economics and environment

KEY RESULT: High-yielding canola with high inputs can be sustainable in an area in which it is adapted. Early-planted full season canola will provide the most sustainable “on-farm” footprint. Canola with high inputs can be the focal point of a crop rotation and can create economic flexibility to allow for a broad crop rotation plan....
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New clues to sclerotinia stem rot resistance

Science Edition: Genetics
Researchers discover Resistance: Avirulence protein interactions between the S. sclerotiorum pathogen and canola plants. These interactions open the door to effector-guided breeding where one can select or engineer lines that no longer produce the corresponding necrosis-inducing protein receptor and are, therefore, immune to its effect. “Resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum effectors in canola,” Dwayne Hegedus, Agriculture...
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