The Editor's Desk

New Renaissance

My canola colleague and friend Rick Taillieu, manager of grower relations and extension with Alberta Canola, sometimes sends me lyrics from The Tragically Hip songs that fit with whatever is going on that day. Here’s a line for the times from “Three Pistols”, a song from the Hip’s 1991 Road Apples album: “Bring on a...
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Study finds new clubroot-resistance genes

Key result: This study found seven clubroot-resistance genes in B. rapa, B. nigra and B. oleracea and entered three new CR lines into canola co-op trials, big steps to improve the sustainability of canola production with increasing scope and intensity of clubroot across the Prairies. Project title, Principal investigator: “Characterization and development of new resistant...
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New tool forecasts Sclerotinia risk

Science Edition: Integrated Pest Management
KEY RESULT: The canola growth stage prediction model and sclerotinia stem rot risk index deployed on are useful tools for managing the disease. PROJECT TITLE, PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: “Operational models to forecast canola growth stage, Sclerotinia risk, and yield in Western Canada,” Rishi Burlakoti, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada FUNDING: Growing Forward 2 The major objectives...
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Weather is a big factor in combine losses

Science Edition: Harvest Management
KEY RESULT: A combine yield loss survey of 50 combines across the Prairies in 2019 found that weather factors had significant influence on losses. This emphasizes the need to regularly adjust and test throughout the day and harvest season. Temperatures greater than 23°C, relative humidity less than 45 per cent, and low cloud cover all...
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