
Use pre-seed burnoff and pre-harvest herbicide for cleavers control

Science Edition: Integrated Pest Management
KEY RESULT: Cleavers can germinate very early in the spring, making pre-seed burnoff a good way to control the weeds when they’re small and limit cleavers seed in harvested canola. Pre-harvest saflufenacil plus glyphosate may also provide short- and long-term management. PROJECT TITLE, PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR:  “Assessing the influence of base germination temperature and chemical desiccants...
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Feasibility of growing winter types of Brassica rapa in Alberta

Key practice: Growers in southern Alberta may want to consider winter B. rapa as a suitable alternative to hybrid spring canola (B. napus), which could be a good fit with other winter crops grown there, especially winter wheat. Project title, Lead researcher: “Evaluation of winter Brassica rapa for cultivation in Alberta,” 2007-11, Habibur Rahman, University...
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Placement outside the seed row is fine for phosphate

Science Edition - Completed Projects
KEY RESULT: Placing phosphate fertilizer in the seed row has its challenges because seed damage can occur at fairly low rates. Rather than short the crop with a low seed-placed rate, this study found that the full recommended rate placed outside the seed row is the better option. PROJECT TITLE, PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: “Enhancing Canola Production...
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Understanding the cellular mechanisms of clubroot disease and developing a new form of clubroot resistance

Key practice: Rather than using genetically resistant varieties or the application of soil amendments and fungicides, this study is working to develop a new, alternative approach to clubroot resistance by silencing pathogen gene expression within the plant itself. Project title, Lead researcher: “Genomics of Clubroot disease development in canola and development of in-plant RNAi to...
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Manitoba Bulletin

Each year the Manitoba Canola Growers recognize an individual who has made a contribution to the growth of the canola industry with the Canola Award of Excellence. Don Flaten, professor in the Department of Soil Science at the University of Manitoba, was recognized with the 2020 Canola Award of Excellence at the CropConnect Banquet in...
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