
Canola meal a viable protein supplement for beef cattle

The study showed that canola meal, a high-quality protein source, may be more economically favourable than distillers’ grains when used as a feed supplement for beef cattle. “Comparing the protein source and frequency of supplementation of forage intake, competitive feeding interactions, and nutrient utilization for beef cattle fed low-quality forages” Gregory Penner, University of Saskatchewan...
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National Canola Marketing Program

Turning up the sweet love for canola

Canadians’ love of home-grown maple syrup inspired Hello Canola to tap that same tree, looking at ways to promote canola through its Canadian-ness, warm community and extreme usefulness.

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Canola market snapshot 2017

Record canola acres are forecast to produce a record Canadian canola crop, edging closer to 20 million tonnes. Global demand for canola seed, oil and meal is taking all Canada can produce.

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