
First ever “Canola Dialogue” event in China

Over 60 people attended the landmark Canola Dialogue in Beijing, China in November. The meeting, the first of what could become an annual event, discussed market opportunities, import standards and the benefit of stable and open trade for Canadian canola into China.

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Five highlights from AgriTechnica

CCC agronomy specialist Jason Casselman saw a lot at AgriTechnica in November, including next stage crop sensors, optical spraying retrofits, automatic seeding rate adjustment for drills and instant AI analysis of crop imagery.

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SASKCANOLA CO-FUNDS IMPORTANT RESEARCH on the management and study of weed populations, with a focus on weeds that are important to canola production. Several of these projects involve screening weed populations for baseline levels of resistance to several classes of herbicides. This screening provides useful knowledge for researchers to compare to future data and determine...
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When do enhanced efficiency fertilizers make sense?

Enhanced efficiency means reduced losses. Fertilizer additives to increase efficiency are most effective in high-risk scenarios – which include high moisture soils, fall application and surface application. Low soil moisture usually means minimal risk of nitrogen loss, but an EEF might help in one scenario.

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