Alberta Bulletin

Roger Chevraux; Chair Ian Chitwood; Vice-Chair Charles Simoneau; Incoming Region 3 Director The 32nd Annual General Meeting of the Alberta Canola Producers Commission was held online on January 25, 2022. Following the Annual General Meeting, the Board elected Roger Chevraux of Killam as the new Chair, and Ian Chitwood of Airdrie as the new Vice-Chair....
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Manitoba Bulletin

Are you interested in becoming involved with a farmer funded, farmer focused organization? We are seeking nominations of MCGA members to run for our Board of Directors in the 2023-24 election. Our vision is bold action for canola farmers. Join a Board of Directors that is committed to driving success for Manitoba canola farmers through...
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Agronomy Insights

Canola agronomy for the Brown soil zone

The Brown soil zone has lower canola acres and lower canola yields than other regions of the Prairies. This article describes agronomy practices that could improve results for canola in this large area.

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