
Use biodiversity to your advantage

Pillar 3: Integrated Pest Management

Biodiversity of habitat across the farm can increase populations of bees and beneficials, which can increase yields and provide a natural check on insect populations. Biodiversity through crop rotations can reduce disease severity and expand management options for weeds.

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Farmers want canola-friendly weather

The Canola Council of Canada surveyed growers in late 2022 to check in on adoption of best practices, agronomy priorities and risks to canola production. Weather is the biggest risk factor. Flea beetles are the most costly pest. And of the CCC agronomy priorities, harvest management had the top score for impact on yield.

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How Manitoba canola farmers get value from farmer-funded research

With research being a key priority for Manitoba Canola Growers Association (MCGA), have you ever wondered how your commodity organization sets and funds research priorities? Or who is involved in those decisions? The MCGA research committee is a farmer-directed committee responsible for selecting projects and directing research funds to find better ways to grow canola,...
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