
When straight-combining, hybrid choice matters more than header type

Science Edition - Completed Projects
Key result: While this three-year study was designed to compare three straight-cut headers and a swathed check, results found that using a shatter-tolerant variety was much more important than header type for lowering the risk from straight-combining canola. Project title, Principal investigator: “Canola direct-cut harvest system development,” Nathan Gregg, PAMI Funding: SaskCanola, WGRF, ADF The...
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Canola Research Hub

The Hub’s top five searched

The Canola Research Hub at is a user-interactive database with practical tools designed to return growers’ investment in agronomic research back to the farm. This article provides a snapshot of how the site has been used to date.

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Alberta Bulletin

Alberta Canola is pleased to announce the newest addition to the Alberta Canola board of directors, Jeff Frost from Olds, who takes over the role previously held by Ian Chitwood, representing region 8. Following the 34th annual general meeting on January 24 in Grande Prairie, the board has re-elected Roger Chevraux of Killam as the...
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Strategy to Build Trade in the Indo-Pacific

The federal government’s priority to further build relations in the Indo-Pacific represents a significant opportunity for Canada to diversify exports of canola. This article outlines the strategic steps value chain organizations recommend to strengthen Canada’s presence in this promising region.

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