Saskatchewan Bulletin

Following SaskCanola’s Annual General Meeting on January 14, SaskCanola’s board of directors elected new leadership and are pleased to announce Lane Stockbrugger as the chair and Charlene Bradley as the vice-chair. In addition, leadership positions on SaskCanola’s board committees for the 2019 year were elected as follows: Bernie McClean as research chair, Katelyn Duncan as...
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The science behind blackleg resistance rotation

Science Edition: Integrated Pest Management
KEY RESULT: SaskCanola administered Growing Forward 2-funded blackleg research projects that concluded over the past year or so. Results from these studies make it possible for farmers to test for the predominant blackleg races in a field and use this information to make strategic decisions for the deployment of varieties. This will reduce blackleg severity...
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Saskatchewan Bulletin

The canola industry currently contributes over $26 billion annually to Canada’s economy, and faces evolving threats to yield and concerns from major export markets due to blackleg and verticillium stripe. Blackleg remains a serious disease of canola and can cause significant yield losses, especially in susceptible varieties. In Western Canada,yield losses as high as 50...
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