
Canola lines with corn genes yield more, have stronger stems

Science Edition: Genetics
CRISPR technology was used to generate a range of starch branching enzyme (SBE) mutants in canola. Sbe quadruple and sextuple mutants were used for expressing maize endosperm SBEI and effects on growth, morphology, flowering and yield determined. Introduction of corn SBEI into quadruple mutants (four canola genes edited) repeatedly led to increased total seed yield...
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Integrated Pest Management

Hydrated lime treatments reduce clubroot infection

A study of integrated management practices to manage clubroot show a benefit from hydrated lime treatments, particularly for clubroot-susceptible cultivars. “Canadian Canola Clubroot Cluster (C1) Pillar 1: Integrated Disease Management,” Sheau-Fang Hwang and Stephen Strelkov, University of Alberta AgriScience Program (Canola Cluster) under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership Read the full report on the Canola Research...
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An economic study of open-pollinated canola varieties

Key result: MCGA tested open-pollinated (OP) canola varieties against two hybrid canola checks. The OP average yield was 18-30 per cent less than the hybrid checks. Farmers will need to do their own economic analysis to see which is the better sustainability choice. Project title, Principal investigator: “Evaluation of OP lines and varieties for suitability...
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Rotate crops for blackleg and clubroot management

Key practice: Increasing the number of years between canola crops in the rotation reduces incidence and severity of blackleg and clubroot in fields. Key research: Kutcher, H.R., University of Saskatchewan, et al. “Blackleg Disease of Canola Mitigated by Resistant Cultivars and Four-Year Crop Rotations in Western Canada.” Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology (2013). Peng, G.,...
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Alberta Bulletin

Alberta Canola’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) takes place during the FarmTech Conference. There is no charge to attend the AGM, and registration to FarmTech is not required to attend the AGM. AGM agenda includes: A review of the activities, audited financial statements and budget for Alberta Canola. Voting on resolutions. Resolutions to be presented at...
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