Saskatchewan Bulletin

“The goal of SaskCanola’s scholarship program is to invest in the future talent  of the canola industry. ” Lisa Horn, SaskCanola Executive Director Each year, two scholarships are awarded to students enrolled in graduate programs with projects studying canola. This investment complements the research SaskCanola invests in for the benefit of canola production and farm...
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Agronomist Abroad

The seedy side of Chile

Seedy side of Chile

Chile has summer during our winter, which gives seed companies a second season for field testing and production. And with so few canola acres in Chile, genetic lines stay pure.

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Make your combine the ideal residue manager

Canola establishment benefits from a uniform spread of crop residue. The fewer steps required to spread residue uniformly, the greater the profitability of canola. Here’s how the combine alone can do the job.

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Ontario growers test canola-soybeans double crop

Winter canola would benefit farmers in southern Ontario looking for a profitable crop to expand the rotation, but corn and soybeans are harvested too late to get the crop established. A new concept – winter canola and soybeans harvested the same year – is getting some attention.

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