The Editor's Desk

Productive = healthy

A person crouches near freshly tilled soil. They are sifting through a handful of brown dirt.
Productive soil is healthy soil. If farmed soil is not productive, it needs help. The soil health equation doesn’t need to be more complicated than that. Cornell University, in its Comprehensive Assessment of Soil Health, provides a long list of potential soil health indicators, including 17 physical, 11 biological and 15 chemical. Physical indicators include...
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Take time needed for neonic review

The comment period for the PMRA registration reviews for two neonicotinoid canola seed treatments ended November 13, but the Canadian canola industry is asking the PMRA to take time and consider incoming research results before making a final decision.

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Alberta Bulletin

The Alberta Canola Producers Commission is seeking four canola growers to serve as directors on the Board of Directors for a 3-year term. This year, directors are needed in regions 1, 4, 7, and 10. Alberta Canola divides Alberta into 12 regions, with each region electing a producer director to represent the canola growers within...
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Manitoba Bulletin

Earlier this year Manitoba Canola Growers appointed Nicolea Dow to the board of directors. Following the fall election, the board table was left with one vacant seat; consequently, they launched an open application process to fill the seat. Nine highly qualified farmers from across the province submitted applications sharing their interest in representing canola farmers...
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Business Management

“Help us have more fun!”

Some farm men are experiencing a serious lack of fun, and this can start to influence the business, family harmony and all aspects of life. The good news is finding your own fun and setting aside the time is a choice. You can do it.

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