
Earlier seeding generally increases yield

Early spring seeding typically benefits canola yield and quality. An early planting date enables the crop to take advantage of good spring moisture, avoid some heat stress at flowering, and reduce the risk of fall frost damage. Key practice: Crops seeded early (in late April or early May, depending on the region) will out-yield canola...
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Identification of superior crop rotations

Key Result: The southeast Peace region has the highest intensity of canola acres and short canola rotations in the western Canadian Prairies. However, this study suggests that this may not be the best choice for growers in terms of long term yield, cropping system sustainability, soil moisture use, root health and economics. Project Title, Principal...
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The Editor's Desk

Good Work

Ted Bilyea says the “worst case scenario” to manage emissions would be government restrictions that reduce agriculture productivity in Canada. Global demand for vegetable oil, for example, is not going down, so if Canada produces less “this would shift production to more damaging parts of the world,” says the chair of the Canadian Agri-food Policy...
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The Editor's Desk

Event Horizon

Nobody likes to get beat over the head with “you should do this” messages. A large percentage of people don’t like to get told what to do at all or by any means: Beat over the head. Rap on the knuckles. Kid gloves. But how about subtle persuasion? Here is a series of memorable events...
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