
Making Canola Protein a Common Ingredient

Protein Industries Canada provides updates on two investments that show a lot of promise for canola. The Merit plant in Winnipeg will make food products that use canola proteins, and Botaneco has a new processing method that makes canola protein a better option for aquaculture.

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Manitoba Bulletin

Canada has long held a reputation for producing excellent quality crops using sustainable practices, and an initiative is now underway to document these practices and build upon them so that future generations have healthy soils, air and water. This will provide proactive guidance for how Canadian farmers can continue to protect and build on our...
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The guide to better profits

Provincial crop planning guides are excellent resources for farmers to compare their own numbers and make adjustments to improve their results.

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Meet your customers

These four moms from China, Mexico, South Korea and India are dedicated canola oil users. Find out why and how they use canola oil.

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Nutrient Management

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria need more work

Evaluation of a commercial nitrogen-fixing bacteria product showed that the bacteria did colonize many of the root and shoot tissues, but most did not show strong evidence of nitrogen fixation. In many cases, the percentage of nitrogen in the plants that were colonized was lower than the control (not inoculated) plants. “Advanced N management for...
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