
Aim for improved nutrient use efficiency

Pillar 2: Fertility Management

Applying enough fertilizer to maximize profit potential and taking steps to reducing nutrient losses will improve canola yield per tonne of fertilizer applied. This will have a positive effect for both economic and environmental sustainability

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Pathogenic Verticillium longisporum found in Canada but yield loss is low, so far

Science Edition: Integrated Pest Management
KEY RESULT: The exact mode of arrival of V. longisporum from other countries to Canada is still unknown, but presence of the pathogen across six provinces of Canada can be attributed to the favourable environmental conditions available to the pathogen. PROJECT TITLE, PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: “Verticillium longisporum in Manitoba: Understanding the pathogen and establishing surveillance capacity,”...
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Rail line running through a canola field

Read short follow-ups on past Canola Digest articles, including the top yield for the Canola 100 Agri-Prize and a federal rail transportation bill.

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2018-19 Research Investment

Manitoba Canola Growers work to fund, direct, develop and distribute practical, science-based research focused on agronomy. Grower funded research and extension is one of the most valuable services we offer to our membership. Focusing on research that no one else is doing and digging deeper to strengthen our network of research collaborations allows us to...
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