Plant Establishment

Field study compares canola emergence based on wheat residue treatment

Key result: This study compared two choppers and three post-harvest residue treatments of wheat residue and found no significant differences in canola emergence across treatments. However, the researcher still recommends proper residue management for a good canola plant stand. Uneven and poorly distributed residue can lead to challenges, including uneven seed depth the following spring,...
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Canola market snapshot – Lower supply

Lack of moisture hurt average Canadian canola yields in 2023. Statistics Canada, in its September estimate, put production at 17.4 million tonnes. Average for the previous five-years, which includes the 2021 drought year, is 18.6 million.

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Airflow key to in-bin drying

Science Edition: Harvest Management
KEY RESULT: Supplemental heat added to natural air drying systems can improve drying capacity for canola as long as airflow is a minimum of one cubic foot per minute per bushel (cfm/bu.). Air must be heated to at least 5°C but not more than 30°C for in-bin drying. PROJECT TITLE, PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: “Best Management Practices...
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Saskatchewan Bulletin

At SaskCanola, research continues to be a strategic priority, with about 40 per cent of SaskCanola’s annual budget allocated to this pillar. Since the establishment of SaskCanola in 1991, Saskatchewan canola producers have funded over 426 studies related to canola agronomy, trait development, alternative uses and more, with the goal to improve canola profitability. For...
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