
Use soil tests to take advantage of a challenging year

Soil nutrient analysis is an important step in 4R nutrient management. Fall tests done as close to ground freeze-up as possible will provide a good indicator of soil nutrient reserves in the spring. These reserves might be higher than you expect after a drier-than-normal growing season.

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Business Management

Position versus interest

In conflict, each side may have different and even opposite positions, but what is their interest? By asking ‘Why do you hold that position?’ or ‘What do you need?’, sides may find a resolution that benefits the long-term relationship.

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Looking for clubroot resistance in non-host plants

Key result: A grass plant called B. distachyon can get infected with clubroot, but secondary gall-forming infection will not occur. While this might show promise, the study concluded that looking for resistance in host brassica species is the better path for now. Project title, Principal investigator: “Using Non-host Species to Identify Novel Genes For Durable...
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