Saskatchewan Bulletin

Saskatchewan Bulletin
With the launch of our new website last August came a few new features, one of them being a blog. SaskCanola’s blog connects you to the initiatives of SaskCanola as we work both locally and globally to make Saskatchewan canola producers more prosperous. If you haven’t checked it out yet, visit the ‘News & Events’...
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Plant Establishment

Cultivar the major management factor for canola emergence rate

Key result: Cultivar choice is the most influential factor for canola emergence percentage, this study found. Seeding date also influenced emergence, but this was mainly a function of environmental conditions. All environmental variables influenced emergence, and temperature and heat units were consistently more influential than precipitation and moisture. Studies have shown that seeding speed and...
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Integrated Pest Management

Biocontrol option for cabbage seedpod weevil

Parasitoid wasp T. perfectus demonstrated high levels of parasitism of cabbage seedpod weevil in Ontario and Quebec with minimum spill over into non-cultivated habitats. The insect did not appear to pose a major risk in the Prairies, suggesting it could work as a biological control option in Western Canada. “Feasibility of using Trichomalus perfectus for...
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The Editor's Desk

Change it

The saying “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” doesn’t work for weeds. People promoting effective weed management have their own expression that is pretty much the exact opposite. Tammy Jones, weed specialist with Manitoba Agriculture, shared the catchphrase for a Canola Watch article back in June. “If something is working, change it.” Jones credited...
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